The Masterclass

This is the perfect opportunity to get some great business help and tips from Angela at her live event in Glasgow for only £39!










What You'll Get

  • Access to the recording of the LIVE Masterclass event at The Village hotel in Glasgow.My personal story of how I came from nothing & the reasons I wanted to become successful. Sharing the ups and downs that have shaped me into who I am today.
  • The realities of business that nobody talks about, giving you a unique edge in the entrepreneurial world.
  • Uncover the 7 key areas of success and discover how they can totally transform your life and business.
  • Find out the secret to maximizing your revenue and building an outstanding reputation without spending a penny on fancy tools or strategies.
  • If you have any further questions about the this course of any of the others then please E-mail -  [email protected].


Sounds Great - Sign Me Up!

Read what previous students say!


“Angela I’ve paid thousands for coaching and I learned more in an hour with you this morning!
You’ve turned a cynic round!

Mark McNab

“What an incredible event Angela! I feel like I’ve had an acceleration into my week!"

Frankie Milligan

“I feel so empowered & I can’t wait to implement everything I’ve learned. A brilliant masterclass!"

Ashley Lawson

“Very well presented Angela. Thoroughly enjoyed the masterclass. Lots of key takeaways!"

Jordan Nelson

Are you ready?

Not to be missed, packed full of valuable advice and tips for only £39!