The Mentorship


One to one mentorship directly with Angela.



Are you Ready?

The 1:1 mentorship program is for business owners who need specific support around mindset, growth & gaining clarity on the best way forward when it comes to happiness, fulfilment & financial peace of mind.

  • This is for business owners who are serious about getting to the next level

  • Driven, passionate business owners who know they are meant for huge things & have a no excuses mindset

  • The 1:1 mentorship program gets quick results as it’s very specific to you and your business.

  • Maybe you know EXACTLY what you want to achieve but you need clarity & a step by step game plan on how to get there. This is completely normal and the purpose of the 1:1 program.

  • The only thing I take seriously is the results. Everything else is relaxed. I like to have fun whilst working together & the more open and honest you are the better the results.

  • This is a safe space to open up about challenges as well as talk openly about money and how much you want!

The Mentorship

  • One off Telegram DAY. Spend a day with me inside Telegram to get clarity & a game plan!
  • Weekly support.1 day per week, full 1:1 support in telegram.
  • Intense Mentorship for quick results. Mon - Fri support. This one is a game changer & is only for the most courageous, serious entrepreneurs!

Previous Client Testimonials


“Thanks so much for today's session. Literally 60 min with you have given me SO much clarity on my business & the things that were taking up so much energy from me.

I now have a plan, focus and my mojo back which as we know is exactly what gets the results in.

Buzzing for our next session 🤗 "



“We've recently hit and now surpassed the £5 million target I set when I started your coaching sessions, with really healthy margins and emplying lots of great people. Do you remember what I told you when I used to procrastinate? Well I've finally managed to buy one 😊 Certainly wouldn't be hitting these levels without your insight and advice, so I'll always be forever grateful!

"I had you in my head this week when I was speaking to clients!

I did what you told me & it bloody paid off!

Never charged this before!! Honestly thank you so much Angela”